Prelude to: Adventure

You! Yes you! Get outside with me, let’s go on an adventure. Explore. Discover. Learn. Be fascinated. Be humbled. Belong. This blog is all about taking the two dandiest things (Nature and Science, of course!) and combining them to live a fulfilling, healthy, amazing life. This world is the one we live in, and it is unfathomably magnificent. I believe in nothing more than I believe in nature, this is where we are from, and this is where we can glean our most important life lessons. Being outdoor oriented is, for me, the most intrinsic beneficial element toward mental health, and always contributes towards physical health. Win win, for everyone!

If we are just being honest, this is probably going to be the coolest section on my site. Why? Here you will find everything to do with the amazing, wild, uncultivated outdoors – and how to become more involved and connected with it. Common subjects will include, but not be limited to; Trail reviews, Adventure highlights, Skill building, Outdoor etiquette, Industry news and Product reviews. Besides all that, this is where you’re going to find some pretty great eye candy, I love to look at nature and you probably do too, so expect to find some beautiful pictures to help inspire you to get out there! Not to mention, this is probably where you’ll find the highest concentration of photos of my charming ass dogs romping around and loving life, and if that isn’t the real reason you stick around, well, I’ll take it as a compliment

Yeah, I know, they’re just great.

I’m excited to help inspire you to lead an active, healthy outdoor lifestyle. I hope this will serve to open up new opportunities for all of us to see new places and learn more about our world, and ourselves. I want to empower you to adventure with knowledge and confidence. Safe travels are always the goal. I invite you to engage, and be an active voice here. Have an adventure related suggestion? Leave a comment! Know a cool life hack to contribute? Send an email! Want to see more of something? Let me know! I’ll make every effort to respond.

In the spirit of transparency, I hope to write many product reviews, both compensated and without compensation. I will only ever promote products I truly believe in, use, and think will make a positive impact in your life – should you choose to give them a try. Any time I publish a post that I have been compensated in any way for, I will be sure to inform you in the introduction of said post, including my disclaimer (which you can find here) All opinions will be my own, nothing scripted, ever – that is my word.




Disclaimer time; I am not a licensed Guide, nutritionist, or other contracted professional. All information is meant for educational and inspirational purposes. Implementing anything from this blog into your life is done so of your own will at your own risk

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Prelude to Physical

Humans evolved with an active lifestyle. We are meant to travel distances, on varied terrain. We evolved to track and hunt, and actively seek out food, shelter, water and other resources, but the reality is that our society has quickly grown away from that lifestyle. Most of our jobs involve being stationary, our food prepackaged for convenience. It is easy to lose sight of the fact that we are meant to move, and move often. Activity is seen as an option instead of a necessity, but it is indeed a necessity.

This topic will focus mostly on activity and movement, but physical health isn’t just about exercise. Look at your body as a whole. Every system can benefit (or suffer) from  the next. Your body is a machine, really, it is. Under this topic, I will write about a large variety of subjects. You can expect to see spotlights on highly effective targeted exercises, as well as full routines, plans, and even challenges! I will share with you my goals as they grow and change, how I plan to achieve them and provide updates. In the same vein, we will discuss how to effectively personalize your own goal planning, and how to go about the execution and fulfillment of your goals. Hand in hand with this, you will also see an abundance of inspiration to help you along the way!

We will discuss more than just functional muscular health. The health of your skin, your lungs, your oral health, and so on – all of these things play an important role. You’ll see DIY projects to help promote overall physical health, and learn about how these things tie in to your other bodily functions.

I plan to write about products I believe in, products I love and that I believe you will love too. These may include gear or services that may allow for better physical performance, more enjoyable workouts, or assist you towards reaching new heights.

Writing and doing research into these subjects to bring to you the best information I can source will help me to grow and improve. I’m making you all my accountabili-buddies! Come along and we will make progress together. Feel free at any time to send some constructive criticism my way, send me your questions and suggestions, let me know what you’d like to see more of. Help me help you. I’ll do my best to reply.

In the spirit of transparency, I hope to write many product reviews, both compensated and without compensation. I will only ever promote products I truly believe in, use, and think will make a positive impact in your life – should you choose to give them a try. Any time I publish a post that I have been compensated in any way for, I will be sure to inform you in the introduction of said post, including my disclaimer (which you can find here) All opinions will be my own, nothing scripted, ever – that is my word.




Disclaimer time; I am not a personal trainer, nutritionist, or other contracted medical professional. All information is meant for educational and inspirational purposes. Implementing this advice in your life is done so at your own risk of your own will

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Prelude to Nutrition

Hello! You’ve found your way to my first post in my Nutrition category. Maybe you’re wondering what kind of content you can expect to see flowing into this space. Good! That’s what this introductory post is all about.

Eating well is easily the most significant step you can take to leading a healthy life. What you put into your body is incredibly important, every cell is created and fueled with the nutrients you provide for them. Every bodily system operates with the basic tools they derive from what you ingest. Bad fuel equals bad performance. Give your body what it needs for optimal performance! That being said, I believe that every body has different needs, and I can’t tell you what is best for you – but we as  humans can all adhere to a general set of principles to help us identify what we need. I’m here to share with you what I have learned along the way, to empower you with tools and knowledge to help you make your own informed decisions, and to provide you with inspiration to stay on a good track!


If you’re here to figure out how I’ve lost over 110 lbs and continue to improve my health, I’ll tell you right now I can attribute the majority of my progress to what I choose to put in my body. Of course I lead a more active lifestyle than I once did, but when someone says, “You can’t outrun what you put on your plate,” they aren’t kidding around. I know first hand how hard it is to maintain the resolve to stay away from the constantly available poor food choices in today’s society. I’m lucky now to have the voice of experience on my side. As someone who has lost over 40% of their body weight, I hope you can trust my advice as earnest, and solid.

Here you will find a variety of resources to help you trim up, or just find more efficient ways to propel yourself. With in-depth spotlights on hard working natural foods and ingredients, you will learn to shop for smarter choices. With tried and true delicious, clean recipes that you can pick (and tweak!) to fill your arsenal with great meal ideas, you will settle into a new comfort zone preparing your own nourishing meals. You can expect to find an abundance of inspiration, from tough love and cold hard truth, to fun and sharable graphics and quotes to help you charge with confidence into a better lifestyle.


You will also find write ups on various products that lend aid in the kitchen. Tips, tricks and tools to help you become a better chef, a confident cook. I believe these are valuable skills for anyone. What do I get out of it? In writing to help you, you will help me to stay on track too! I’m sure I’ll discover a lot along the way, we can learn together!

I invite you to engage with me in this process, leave a comment! Drop a note, send an email, I’d love to hear your suggestions or thoughts anytime. I’ll do my best to address your correspondence!

In the spirit of transparency, I hope to write many product reviews, both compensated and without compensation. I will only ever promote products I truly believe in, use, and think will make a positive impact in your life – should you choose to give them a try. Any time I publish a post that I have been compensated in any way for, I will be sure to inform you in the introduction of said post, including my disclaimer (which you can find here) All opinions will be my own, nothing scripted, ever – that is my word.




Disclaimer time; I am not a nutritionist, doctor, or any other contracted medical professional, the information provided here is meant for inspiration and knowledge, implementing this advice into your life is done so at your own risk of your own will.

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Prelude to Life Eclectic

We are the sum of all of our experiences, a living accumulation of the past and dreams for the future. This is where everything ties in and balance is established – a funnel that collects and mixes all of the components, big and small. When it comes down to it, this is a lifestyle blog.  For all rights and purposes, this page will be a home base of sorts. Let me tell you more about what you can expect under this topic.

Life is a sweeping topic, and this will be a sweeping category. Fundamental components to living a healthy life include bases I have established here; good nutrition, frequent activity, the pursuit of knowledge and mental stimulation (preferably influenced by passion and, of course, nature), but what about mental and creative health? I’ll touch on that here, and often establish how these other topics lend a firm helping hand in that arena. We’ll broaden out into appreciating outside forces that influence us and help inspire and bolster us up along the way. I’m very excited to write featured posts about amazing, inspirational people who have motivated me (whether they know it or not) to improve. I hope their stories will inspire you too.

I’ll share with you tips and tricks to aid your everyday activities, from DIY projects, to useful skills, or handy products that aim to make your life a little more simple and efficient. You will find entertainment and inspiration weaving itself all throughout.

I’ll also share the more personal side of things here, such as exciting life events, and behind the scenes type features. Here is where I will update you on new directions and goals. This will be a hub of general information meant to serve as proof positive that anyone can create, seize, and capitalize on amazing (or even small) opportunities in their life. Traverse these hills and valleys, climb these mountains with me!

Please feel free to be an active voice in this arena! I would love to hear from you, and there is always something to learn. Help me, help others, help yourself, whatever – constructive criticism is also welcome. Your voice is important, and I’ll do what I can to address your questions or comments.

In the spirit of transparency, I hope to write many product reviews, both compensated and without compensation. I will only ever promote products I truly believe in, use, and think will make a positive impact in your life – should you choose to give them a try. Any time I publish a post that I have been compensated in any way for, I will be sure to inform you in the introduction of said post, including my disclaimer (which you can find here) All opinions will be my own, nothing scripted, ever – that is my word.




Disclaimer time; I am not a doctor, nutritionist, life coach, vet, or any other contracted medical professional, all advice here is taken of your own free will at your own risk

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Disclaimer, disclosures, and policies


I pledge to make every effort to provide accurate information and safe ideas, however, I am not a doctor, nutritionist, trainer, etc. On this blog I do not provide official medical, professional, or other contracted advice. Reading or utilizing any part of or any information provided on this blog does not create a contract between the reader and author. I will not be held responsible for any user’s interpretation of content or information provided here or in affiliation with this site. Reading and using any information is done so at your own risk.

All opinions are my own

I will never write favorable reviews in return for compensation. I will never write a review only because of compensation. If I write a sponsored post or provide affiliate links, I do so because I believe in those products or services, and have chosen to promote them to my viewers. Should my viewers or subscribers choose to purchase any products or services through links I provide, I may receive compensation in a variety of forms at no extra cost to you. You may receive a benefit by using my sponsored or affiliate links. I will always provide notice within a post if it contains any sponsored or affiliate advertising, links, or information that I have been or may be compensated for.

I am not responsible for the actions of my sponsors, affiliates or advertisers. Should you choose to purchase a product or service based upon a link from this blog or affiliated platforms, you must take action with the specific company to resolve any issues or discrepancies.

I reserve the rights to change, tweak, replace or delete any content including links, information, layout, terms, etc on The Tenacious Crasis and affiliated platforms. The content of this blog is my intellectual property, unless otherwise noted, and I reserve the right to do with it as I see fit.

  • Terms of use

Every reader here is here and participating of their own free will. Everything is to be taken with a grain of salt, if you choose to implement my advice into your life, you do so of your own choice, and at your own risk. Every user is accountable for their actions. Everyone is to be treated respectfully. I reserve the right to delete, block, or otherwise deny entry or access to this blog and any related content if I deem an entity or individual’s behavior unfitting.

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Information on this website may be copied for personal use only. No part of this website may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author. Requests to the author and publisher for permission should be addressed to the following email: The.Tenacious.Crasis.Connect (at) Gmail (dot) com

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