Colorado Trail Journal: Clear Creek to Highway 50

colorado trail 2018

Part two of our Colorado Trail adventure began the second we arrived home from the catastrophe of our initial attempt. To summarize, we made it to Kenosha pass and went home to heal. And to learn. Cheyenne and Austin dropped me off at the driveway that day, and I limped around the house to the …

Colorado Trail Journal : Segments One Through Five

I’m that friend, I’ve realized. You know the one – the one that assures you everything will be fine, and then it never is – thankfully the one that always manages to get you out of the same bullshit situation they landed you in. I’m great at pitching ideas. I have little experience with self-doubt, …

Pre Thru-Hike : Colorado Trail Gear List

pre thru hike gear list colorado trail

This has been madness, running a start up business, planning a 30 day through-hike – setting up the care of said business during my absence, the sickening rush of running a freeze dryer (that came about 2 weeks late) constantly to prepare enough food to survive in a healthy manner for 500 miles of high …

Five Easy and Practical Gifts for Your Outdoor Enthusiast

Five easy practical gifts for your outdoor enthusiast. These five gifts will help keep your loved ones safe on their grand adventures

Here it is, the first week of December, and now it is time to admit; ’tis the season. The tree and ornaments are up in trade of the pumpkin that has rotted and been submit to the hillside for the deer and birds to pick over. At work I hum “Mr. Grinch” to tone over …

Working Gear List: The Big Three

In anticipation of through hiking the Colorado trail, I’m throwing together a three-part series of articles – a working gear list for backpacking and through hiking. Split into the categories of; ‘the big three’, worn/wearable gear, and carried gear, these lists are intended to be tentative, and invite discussion. Please help me, and others who …

An Alaskan’s First Through Hike: The Colorado Trail

Michelle Snowden's Recount of her first time through hike on the colorado trail

“When you are thru hiking you don’t think about life off the trail much. You don’t think about your email. You don’t think about your car or house. You don’t think about your bank account much. You eventually forget about social media. And you definitely don’t think about your job. This is your life now.” …

Owning the Struggle: Ten Quotes to Persevere

Owning the Struggle: Ten Quotes to Persevere

Many are the struggles of this life. You don’t need me to tell you that. I can’t even begin to fathom the worst of it all. But I do understand adversity and the perpetuity of its nature. I understand the necessity to overcome, to rise above. I understand how difficult it can be to keep …

Yarrow: Achillea the Ally

Yarrow, or Achillea is an incredible flowering herb that has long been known for it's incredible medical and gardening applications, read more at

“These are edible too,” I say, moving forward and touching the feathery leaf of a paprika colored flower, “It’s called Yarrow – I’ve heard of people using the petals like a natural type of confetti in birthday cake and such. It’s a really impressive plant, actually, it can be dried and grou-,” the woman I’m …

Solo Hiking: Empowerment through Preparation

Getting onto Barr Trail from the Incline Summit

He’s limping. I shake my head as if to dissuade a fly, and crush the panic building in my chest. He’s not limping. I shift my pack on my shoulders and we carry on, my attention acutely focused on his gait. It is hard for me to differentiate his normal goofy stride from something I …

Angel Arch: Hoofing it in Moab

Angel Arch, Moab Utah. We took a rather grand adventure and rode endurance horses in Canyonlands backcountry. Read about it at The Tenacious Crasis

“You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien I’m shocked; she squeezes her nearly nine hundred pound frame through the tight brush without a scratch. I barely made it through, and certainly am scathed. I shout back to …

The Manitou Incline: A Chronicle of Triumph

The beginning of the incline

I did the thing! I finally hiked The Incline and I didn’t kill myself doing it. Solid! It was fun, it was tough, and I finally achieved this goal. When I first decided I was going to do this, I was about 220 lbs. Back then I decided the best way to train for it …

Responsibility for Your Dependents is Your Most Reliable Source of Accountability

Jack the curly, www.TheTenaciousCrasis.Com

I’m going to touch on the subject of responsibility, obligation and accountability as a source to drive you to lead a healthier life. If you have any living thing that you are responsible for, be it children or pets, you are obligated to provide for them a healthy, active, and engaging life. End of story. …

How Training for a ‘Focus Goal’ Pushes you to Achieve Bigger Goals

Charlie on the Colorado trail 2016

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Everyone has big dreams. People who live to see their dreams become reality usually achieve these things by changing the word ‘dream’ in their mind to ‘goal’, and get crankin. I dreamed my whole life of being healthy. I dreamed and I dreamed and I got nowhere, until suddenly it …