On Loss and Love: Mourning a Friend

On Loss and Love: Mourning a Friend

The following post was written before something truly amazing happened. Though the loss that prompted it’s writing is no longer applicable, I have decided to go on and post it anyways. The lessons remain the same, and the pain was still real. My boy had gone missing for quite a while. He was an indoor/outdoor …

Achievement Unlocked: Lose 122 Pounds

I've now lost over 122 lbs

“Little by little, one travels far” ― J.R.R. Tolkien It is with great joy that I have finally met my lifelong goal of meeting the clinical definition of healthy. My life is decidedly separate from what it once was. I don’t know who I was anymore; I simply know that that girl was not actually …

The Manitou Incline: A Chronicle of Triumph

The beginning of the incline

I did the thing! I finally hiked The Incline and I didn’t kill myself doing it. Solid! It was fun, it was tough, and I finally achieved this goal. When I first decided I was going to do this, I was about 220 lbs. Back then I decided the best way to train for it …

An Update: Intellectual Adventures, Shared Experiences, and New Opportunities

Canine Massage at

I have some really exciting news to share! This week, I’m starting a new life adventure! In just a few days, I’m going to embark on a new journey, though I won’t be leaving town. It will expand my mind and skill base, and I’m very excited to share what I will learn along the …

How Training for a ‘Focus Goal’ Pushes you to Achieve Bigger Goals

Charlie on the Colorado trail 2016

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Everyone has big dreams. People who live to see their dreams become reality usually achieve these things by changing the word ‘dream’ in their mind to ‘goal’, and get crankin. I dreamed my whole life of being healthy. I dreamed and I dreamed and I got nowhere, until suddenly it …

The nutrition guidelines I followed for major weight loss

The first thing you must understand about leading a healthy life is also the first things you must understand about weight loss. What you ingest is absolutely the most important building block for your body, and the most efficient tool to help you reach your goals. Most people can’t out work their fork.   Of …

How I’ve lost over 110 pounds

Weight loss is a prolific topic in today’s society, and for good reason. According to the CDC in a 2016 article, 36.5% (more than 1/3!) of adults in the United States are obese – meaning they have a Body Mass Index (BMI) score of 30 or above. That doesn’t include statistics on those who are …