Integrative Health : The Transition to Livengood

“The only constant in life is change”


Maybe it is a strange time to only just now announce something that has been underway for many months, I’ve (finally) been prompted into compositional action towards a vision that had become blurred, and pathless, and gone somewhat helter-skelter into many directions.

It seems that sometimes in life something vague becomes out of alignment, and everything seems to be going on with relative normality, except maybe that something uneven in your stride has slowed your gate, and suddenly you’re not where you are meant to be. And you work at it, and you twist, and you rest, and you dig, and you stretch, until one day everything seems to align, and this vague notion simply pops back into place as if it was a mental subluxation.

And now it is time to play catch up.

Livengood Integratives intro pin

I entered into 2019 with little direction.

My bodywork business had taken a huge hit, and stagnated. I barely kept it going but by the skin of my knuckles. I felt stuck in a house, in a town, in a rut, that I had no desire to continue in. So I clung to what mattered and drudged through, holding my darlin’s hand and telling Charlie that things would change come springtime.

Vince and I spent many months house hunting away from the city, dreaming of a little farmstead – somewhere we could grow food, and raise animals. We settled on a few acres with a lot of problems, packed up Charlie and Leroy, and moved in on the last day of April.

The goal is a holistic lifestyle of integrative health, and a holistic, integrative business. I wanted to offer bodywork, and other products like homegrown organics and creative bits all together. I wanted my lifestyle to be my job.

Livengood Integratives llc logo copyright DPL 2019

I transitioned from my original business name, Chirapsia Bodyworks, to Livengood Integratives llc. We started the cleanup, and planted seeds. We picked up fifteen ducks, another puppy, three muscovies, and two goats. I took a class (Sarga, table 1) that was calling to me in July, that left me wanting more. The entire time, so happy, but still mysteriously, vaguely, out of alignment. Though I felt better and better all the time, I still felt stuck.

We got engaged in September, and decided to save up and take a mixed business/birthday trip to Hawaii in early December. The trip, and the class (Sarga RX), was the final stretch. That last pop. Everything finally feels right, and on the correct track. Life is so, so good

My bodywork practice has evolved into an eclectic mix of all that I have learned, the cornerstones have now become Sarga barefoot myofascial work, with an intended focus on the new Rx techniques that are heavily rooted in structural integration.

I’m so excited and humbled to have taken these classes, and even more excited and grateful to be able to say that I am the first therapist to bring Sarga Rx to Colorado!

My bodywork practice is integrative, and the homegrown organic products we are planning to offer are integrative, and it is time to integrate this online space. Combining all of these entities into one has been in the works since the decision to change from Chirapsia Bodyworks, and the I’ve made baby steps along the way. Now, the bigger steps are coming.

  • This website url will soon be
  • All social links will transition to the same name
  • This site itself will be restructured

So don’t be surprised by the aesthetic change! Check back over the next few days, weeks, and months and let me know what you think about the changes.

That’s all! A big preface to the (continued) evolution of what I may have to offer.

P.S. His last name is Livengood 😉

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