Introducing: Chirapsia Bodyworks

Hey there! It sure has been a while since I posted here. I took some major time off of blogging and writing to give my time and attention to getting my new career rolling with state licensing, quit my retail job (YESSSSS!), gain employment, graduate school with my NeuroMuscular Therapy certificate, end some big relationships, flesh out some big new ones, launch a new business….whew. I’ve been having a whirlwind of a 2018, it has been incredibly stressful, and incredibly beautiful, and incredibly busy. I promise I’ve been productive while I’ve been away! Let me introduce to you my biggest project of the year, Chirapsia Bodyworks….

Introducing Chirapsia Bodyworks. Colorado based therapeutic massage and bodywork

The first step in building a career in Health

…was launching this blog last year. The second was stumbling upon interest in therapeutic massage. After grabbing my ‘close acquaintance’ and enrolling in school for Advanced Neuromuscular and Trigger Point therapy, I put the blog on the back burner and fast tracked the process with her (F**KIN thaaaank you for your endless support, acquaintance). We tested and applied for state licensing early, and became licensed massage therapists as a launching point to pursue our respective dreams. What a rough year it was.

Immediately following this I landed a spot with the incredibly talented team at J.C. Bodycare, and finished school. I am now Danielle Lowe LMT, CNMT 😀

As an independent contractor, I decided that I needed to build a business and a brand to market more comfortably and efficiently than my name alone – something that I could build on for a lifetime. After much planning and designing came Chirapsia Bodyworks and my restorative hand logo. I’m quite fond of it, please excuse me while I toot my creative horn.


very simply translates to ‘massage’ from new latin (derived of old greek cheirapsia) and maybe isn’t crazy creative in and of itself, but it holds true to the craft, and sounds nice rolling off the tongue. Bodyworks, to be an umbrella term for the many modalities I currently practice, and those that I will offer in the future as I expand my scope of practice and services.

Introducing Chirapsia Bodyworks. Colorado based therapeutic massage and bodywork

So what is it that I do, exactly?

With medically based therapeutic massage and bodywork, I work in ‘alternative’ and preventative health and hands on movement therapies, targeted towards treating;  muscular and related nervous system dysfunction, pain management, injury prevention and recovery, athletic performance and recovery, stress and mental health management, surgery prevention and recovery, so on and so forth. I offer pregnancy, labor, and delivery massage as well – any of the following modalities may be altered to accommodate these specific needs!

Integrative Eclectic Table work

I like to piece together a flowing style from every modality I’ve learned. A typical session with me has little bits of everything in it. I tend to be a heavier handed therapist and love to work out problem areas instead of cater to the crowd that is looking strictly for relaxation. I like to do real, meaningful work. I like to call my general approach integrative eclectic table work for this reason. All of the following modalities piece together to form this.

NeuroMuscular Therapy

NeuroMuscular Therapy is a world renowned set of methods developed by Judith Delany.  To summarize what the NeuroMuscular Therapy Center has to say about it, “Neuromuscular therapy (NMT) is a precise, thorough examination and treatment of the body’s soft tissues using regionally oriented protocols…that primarily address  ischemia, myofascial trigger points, neural entrapment and nerve compression , postural assessment and dysfunctional gait patterns.”  It is an incredibly effective therapy for clients with chronic pain. This is the CNMT suffix after my name.

Trigger Point

Trigger point therapy is heavily focused on specific problem spots. I often hear of people referring to their active trigger points as pinched nerves and knots. A trigger point may refer pain elsewhere, and in some cases the client may be unaware of it until it is touched. This is less of a modality as it is an add on type of method to other modalities like NMT and Deep tissue.

Deep Tissue

Deep tissue, though everyone seems to think it is so much different from Swedish (traditional spa type massage) is really just a heavier handed and possibly slightly more targeted version of your average Swedish massage. It is designed for flushing of the muscles and increasing healthy blood flow throughout the body.

Lymphatic Drainage

Your Lymph system is an incredibly important filtering system throughout your body. It works alongside your circulatory and digestive system and is a key component to your immune system. Improving the flow of lymph throughout the body can give your entire body a huge defensive boost, and is often indicated to assist with cancer treatments, recoveries, and even prevention. This modality is extremely specialized and uses very light pressure to effectively target the flow of lymph.

Thai Yoga Massage

Thai yoga, Thai massage, Thai therapy, or any combination therein is an incredibly efficient modality brought over from, your guessed it, Thailand. Sometimes known as “the lazy mans’ yoga”, Thai massage is a modality done on a mat instead of a table. The therapist uses body weight and hand compression, as well as joint mobilization and manipulation of the client’s extremities and body into various assisted yoga positions and passive stretches.


Also known as myofascial decompression, cupping has truly ancient roots. Modern, dry cupping is what I offer (as opposed to wet and fire cupping, highly dangerous and unneccessary) Cups are applied strategically to the skin and suctioned on. They are left on for no more than 3 minutes, and may be “glided” across the skin. Cupping pulls fresh blood to help heal or flush an area. It is typically used in conjunction with traditional massage.

The above is what I currently practice and offer. Look forward to modalities like Ashiatsu, Sarga, and other bodywork.

Introducing Chirapsia Bodyworks. Colorado based therapeutic massage and bodywork

What does this mean for the blog, and for you, my readers?

Not much will change. This platform will remain what it currently is and do what it currently does – provide inspiration and practical insight into living a healthy, adventurous life. This will become the official blog of Chirapsia Bodyworks, and I’ll repeat and flesh out what I said I would do when I announced my schooling –

I’ll be sharing insider tips, techniques, and knowledge to take your massage game to the next level. By adding these tidbits to your arsenal of skills, you’ll be able to boost your own health in a multitude of ways. You can also take these techniques to your loved ones to aid them and bring comfort and recovery from daily stressors.

What role does massage play in promoting health?

Massage can greatly help with physical recovery, particularly in relation to muscle recovery. Skilled palpation of tense, overused muscles brings relief to the site and increases blood flow. Stress, pain, anxiety, and depression can all be eased through massage. Nerve function may be improved as well as range of motion. Relaxation is notable in measurably healthier blood pressure and oxygen uptake

But why do I always feel so beat up after an intense massage?

There are several reasons you may have had discomfort and possibly even nausea after a massage. The concept that toxins are released from your muscles during massage is, while plausible, not what seems to be the actual cause. While you are pushing out and distributing metabloic waste, cellular debri and possibly other built up toxins in one form or another, the palpation of your muscles actually does some (helpful) damage to them. Myoglobins are released by your tissues in response to (especially intense) manipulation. Your body’s way of dealing with this is standard; into the blood, through the kidneys. If you are not well hydrated, have mineral deficiencies, are not accustomed to massage, or had a particularly intense session; you are more likely to experience a mild Rhabdo effect, just like you would after any intense physical exertion.

Before engaging in a massage…

Especially a deep tissue modality, make sure you are very well hydrated (and stay that way!) If you are mineral or vitamin deficient, make sure you re-up on these essential bits of fuel for your body. I like to make a clay masque (bentonite), cover myself in it head to toe and let it dry before taking a tea and mineral salt bath to help draw unwanted ‘toxic’ substances out of my body. I highly recommend this type of ritual method. It is extremely relaxing and rejuvenating! Play with different teas and find what you like best!

Alrighty then, how can I apply massage to benefit myself?

We already know how good massage feels. Releasing muscle tension, easing headaches, aiding muscle recovery, etc. are benefits you can reap from massage. But you can’t go out and have someone rub your muscles out every time you feel like it. Most people can’t afford a full-time personal massage therapist that follows us around everywhere, no matter how much we desire that. Damnit. Learning how to work out your own aches and pains for a daily bit of tension release is the way to go. You’ll not only be helping your body, but your mind as well.

Let’s talk about another huge benefit of self-massage though; greater personal awareness. Getting intimate with your own anatomy is so important! This is in the same vein as doing the usual self-cancer checks. The more familiar you are with your bodies’ norm, the more aware you are of something being out of place. Keeping a mental track of trends and patterns will help you be more conscious and responsive to your own needs. Love your body! It, and your brain, will love you back. Stay tuned, and I’ll keep giving you better and better tips how!

Massage and increasing family bonds at

I’m down! How is it going to benefit my loved ones?

Well, again, they’ll get all the usual healing and relaxing benefits of a good rub down. But what more? Bond strengthening to the Nth degree. For your partner, your children, your animals, your healing touch is going to bring with it assloads of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. Becoming familiar with their aches and pains, preferences, and helping them through stressors deepens a sense of reliability and trust. For your partner it will also bring with it a deeper sense of intimacy, and a new or greater form of communication. A loving touch is sometimes the most efficient shared form of communication between a couple. Building a more advanced complexity within this language is always beneficial.

Going into the future, it is most likely that I’ll be posting about these tips and tricks in the PHYSICAL section of the site, though you may catch the occasional article here, under LIFE ECLECTIC.

Future non-massage plans for Chirapsia Bodyworks

I’m very excited to learn and grow in this new field of life. I’ll be able to build on this in many directions. It is likely that I will go forward and looking into physical therapy, personal training, yoga teaching, nutritional counseling, etc. The possibilities are endless!

Life really opens up when you chase it, friends! I encourage you to seek knowledge and education all throughout your life, be it in a trade degree, a workshop, a doctorate, whatever. Always seek opportunity! Stagnation will kill you. I’m excited to share my insights with you, hang around and we’ll build knowledge together!

Support Small Business! Opt for small and locally owned business when paying for services and goods! Please feel free to share my business with others. Referrals are always heavily appreciated!

Importantly, I want to touch on this before I wrap up. Though I am licensed therapist in the state of Colorado, this does not mean I am your therapist, and I will not be held responsible for any actions taken. Massage therapists do not diagnose or prescribe. Reading my advice does not create a client/professional relationship or contract. If you choose to implement these techniques, you do so as an informed individual making your own decisions at your own risk. Thank you for using your sense and doing what is right for you!




Now, for the disclaimer – I am not a vet, adventure guide, personal trainer, doctor, nutritionist, or medical authority, this is meant to be only a source of information and inspiration, implementing these techniques into your daily life is something you do of your own free will and at your own risk.

Join us for the journey!


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2 Comments on “Introducing: Chirapsia Bodyworks”

  1. Sign me up!!! I need a lymph drainage massage asap!! Best sleep I've ever had was after a Danielle lymph drainage session. Highly recommend booking Danielle if you live in Colorado!!!