Tag: breakfast

Harvest Breakfast: Pumpkin Apple Quinoa

This hearty, homey and healthy fall breakfast is a satisfying start to any day. Enjoy it to fuel yourself during the crisp shilly months

We’ve been busy this month. Wrapping up certain school requirements, getting ahead. Hiking, playing, visiting friends, enjoying a new balance between work and life. Halloween has come and gone, and every night we have watched the progression of the harvest moon, and smiled as our copper friend rises. This morning’s breakfast is in honor and …

Sweet Potato Breakfast Skillet

powerful breakfasts make for powerful days

Nutritional information is ever ready, waiting for you to type the right questions – maybe even constantly in your face. That’s why I’m so surprised when I still hear people talking about skipping breakfast like it’s some kind of miracle cure for their health. Stop skipping breakfast. It really is the most important meal of …