Tag: Colorado Trail

Colorado Trail Journal : Segments One Through Five

I’m that friend, I’ve realized. You know the one – the one that assures you everything will be fine, and then it never is – thankfully the one that always manages to get you out of the same bullshit situation they landed you in. I’m great at pitching ideas. I have little experience with self-doubt, …

Working Gear List: The Big Three

In anticipation of through hiking the Colorado trail, I’m throwing together a three-part series of articles – a working gear list for backpacking and through hiking. Split into the categories of; ‘the big three’, worn/wearable gear, and carried gear, these lists are intended to be tentative, and invite discussion. Please help me, and others who …

An Alaskan’s First Through Hike: The Colorado Trail

Michelle Snowden's Recount of her first time through hike on the colorado trail

“When you are thru hiking you don’t think about life off the trail much. You don’t think about your email. You don’t think about your car or house. You don’t think about your bank account much. You eventually forget about social media. And you definitely don’t think about your job. This is your life now.” …

How Training for a ‘Focus Goal’ Pushes you to Achieve Bigger Goals

Charlie on the Colorado trail 2016

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Everyone has big dreams. People who live to see their dreams become reality usually achieve these things by changing the word ‘dream’ in their mind to ‘goal’, and get crankin. I dreamed my whole life of being healthy. I dreamed and I dreamed and I got nowhere, until suddenly it …