Tag: gear

Pre Thru-Hike : Colorado Trail Gear List

pre thru hike gear list colorado trail

This has been madness, running a start up business, planning a 30 day through-hike – setting up the care of said business during my absence, the sickening rush of running a freeze dryer (that came about 2 weeks late) constantly to prepare enough food to survive in a healthy manner for 500 miles of high …

Five Easy and Practical Gifts for Your Outdoor Enthusiast

Five easy practical gifts for your outdoor enthusiast. These five gifts will help keep your loved ones safe on their grand adventures

Here it is, the first week of December, and now it is time to admit; ’tis the season. The tree and ornaments are up in trade of the pumpkin that has rotted and been submit to the hillside for the deer and birds to pick over. At work I hum “Mr. Grinch” to tone over …

Working Gear List: The Big Three

In anticipation of through hiking the Colorado trail, I’m throwing together a three-part series of articles – a working gear list for backpacking and through hiking. Split into the categories of; ‘the big three’, worn/wearable gear, and carried gear, these lists are intended to be tentative, and invite discussion. Please help me, and others who …