Tag: hike

Colorado Trail Journal: Clear Creek to Highway 50

colorado trail 2018

Part two of our Colorado Trail adventure began the second we arrived home from the catastrophe of our initial attempt. To summarize, we made it to Kenosha pass and went home to heal. And to learn. Cheyenne and Austin dropped me off at the driveway that day, and I limped around the house to the …

Colorado Trail Journal : Segments One Through Five

I’m that friend, I’ve realized. You know the one – the one that assures you everything will be fine, and then it never is – thankfully the one that always manages to get you out of the same bullshit situation they landed you in. I’m great at pitching ideas. I have little experience with self-doubt, …

Pre Thru-Hike : Colorado Trail Gear List

pre thru hike gear list colorado trail

This has been madness, running a start up business, planning a 30 day through-hike – setting up the care of said business during my absence, the sickening rush of running a freeze dryer (that came about 2 weeks late) constantly to prepare enough food to survive in a healthy manner for 500 miles of high …

Stream of Consciousness: June ’18

Planning our through hike of the Colorado trail takes up all of my free time. As if I had much to begin with. My days are a whirlwind of thoughts, a massive conglomeration of conflicting emotions and actions. I’m constantly stressing over work, which is proving to be a completely different deal than I was …